
Take advantage of our exclusive online coupons and promotions to save on your next service. Just print and present the applicable coupon to your technician upon arrival. Call The Plumbing Wizard at 02 9150 8779 to schedule an appointment today!

Water Heater Maintenance $59 Voucher - Local Sydney Plumber - The Plumbing Wizard

Kitchen Plumbing Repair $40 Voucher - Local Sydney Plumber - The Plumbing Wizard

Whole House Sewer Replacement & 10 Year Warranty $500 OFF Voucher - Local Sydney Plumber - The Plumbing Wizard

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Why spend more than you have to on your plumbing service?

Just print out the applicable coupon and present to your technician upon arrival. Call 02 9150 8779 to schedule service for your Sydney, NSW home today.